Attained an minimum of institution

School Accreditation. You may be a part of Commencement when you have nine (9) credits or less away from finishing your degree requirements by final day of spring. The most important aspect of selecting the right school for your child is accreditation. Note: In the first place, Berklee Online degree students are not required to walk into commencement ceremonies in Boston. the school you select must be regionally accredited as it is a mark of quality education and qualifies you for the federal aid. Attained at minimum an 2.70 cumulative GPA for concentrate courses.

Make sure that the school you select can be accredited through one of the regional accrediting bodies within the United States, Must have an average overall GPA 2.00 Satisfied all program requirements and have met a minimum requirement of 120 credits in a single major or the equivalent of 165 credits for a dual major. which are split into six regions Attained an minimum of 60 institution credit hours for one major, Higher Learning Commission (HLC): or the equivalent of 105 credits from an institution to complete a dual degree. AZ, Successfully fulfilled each financial commitment to the school. AR, Congratulations on completing! If you’ve completed your graduation application it is recommended to make sure you have checked on the "Graduation Checklist" to ensure you’ve taken care of the many things related to graduating. CO, If you’re not filling out an application for graduation then you must fill it out immediately. IL, It will be impossible to be a graduate until we have processed and received your application for graduation.

IN, The diploma essay writing will be awarded after 6-8 weeks of successfully completing your requirements for graduation. IA, Remember that instructors have the period of two (2) days to present final grades once the course has ended. KS, Diplomas are mailed out to the address listed on your application for graduation. MI, If your mailing address changes after you have submitted your graduation application, MN, be sure to update us at [email protected]. MO, Be aware that if you’re walking in Commencement, NE, you may not be awarded your diploma at the time of the ceremony. NM, Transfer Credits.

ND, If you are interested in applying to the Bachelor of Arts degree program and would like an estimate of the amount of transfer credit you would receive, OH, you can request an unofficial transfer evaluation by emailing a copy of your transcript(s) to the Berklee Online Transfer Team at [email protected]. OK, Please mention your name as well as the your major of your interest, SD, as well as any additional questions you have. WV, Expect to be notified within 7-10 days. WI, I didn’t get credit on my official Evaluation for all the courses I was hoping to. along with WY Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE): What can I do? DE, The sooner you reach us with concerns or questions regarding your evaluation, DC, the simpler we will be able to resolve any concerns. MD, This is why it’s important that once you have received your official transfer assessment that you read through the information thoroughly.

NJ, If you are able to identify a obligation that you believe you’ve met before, NY, look up our article regarding Common Reasons Credit Does Not Transfer. and PA New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE): It’s possible the course you’re considering was not eligible for our requirements. CT, If none of the exclusions applies, ME, submit the Transfer Credit Equivalency Re-evaluation request for courses that you want to be reconsidered. MA, Sometimes, NH, we aren’t finding the specific details regarding a specific course online, RI, and we aren’t able to determine the equivalency of the courses However, and VT Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU): we are eager to study additional materials to assist us in making this determination.

AK, Can the courses I took at my Berklee Online, ID, Berklee campus or prior Learning Credit coursework count towards the 60 credit transfer limit? MT, The credits earned at Berklee or in the previous learning process don’t count in the transfer credits limit for 60. NV, The maximum amount is applicable to examinations that count as credit and undergraduate-level courses done externally.

OR, Credit deficiency can be due to the transfer of the course with smaller than (3) credits in order to meet the requirement of a requirement of three (3) credits Berklee Online requirement. UT, Students with a credit shortage will not be able to meet the minimum amount of credits needed to graduate after having completed their requirements for their program. as well as WA Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC): In order to graduate, AL, you’ll be required to fill in your credits that you are not in. FL, Although it is true that the Transfer Team does their best to prevent students from receiving credit-related deficiencies, GA, it’s not always feasible. KY, It is possible to make up your credits that you’re lacking in by doing other Berklee Online coursework, LA, by applying for prior learning credits or by completing further courses outside of the area where you’re in need.

MS, Not all courses outside of the university require to be cleared through The Transfer Team. NC, It depends. SC, Transfer credit can generally not be used to satisfy requirements unless the course you attended is an equivalent of any of the courses that we offer on Berklee Online.

TN, Remember that there are certain courses that require you be able to pass a placement test. TX, To pass these, and VA WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) and Accrediting Commission for Junior and Community Colleges. you must to pass on the test in order to meet the requirement, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACCJC): otherwise, CA and the state of Hawaii. you’ll have to take the required Berklee Online course. In addition to accreditation by a regional level Additionally,